Crete-Doc STL facilities will be a space for artisans of different trades to collaborate on specific projects to create works personalized for customers. The 1,050 sq. ft. “workshop” will have all of the necessary tools to create innovative and personalized projects — such as tables, art pieces, cabinets, countertops, tables, etc. The 5500 sq ft facility will be 5500 sq ft in total. The idea is to create a space to assist numerous trades to come together and use mediums and collaboratively create new pieces for customers and for sale on our website. Some of the artisans that we currently work with on a regular basis include concrete, metal fabricator, woodworkers and graffiti artists. This facility will give us a safe, practical area to work on diverse projects with all of the tools and supplies needed on hand. This workshop is intended to give craftspeople an area to safely see their visions come to life.
Crete-Doc also intends to allow this space to be rented out daily and/or weekly by competent and insured professionals to work on projects they may normally be doing within much more confined areas, such as their personal garages or basements. We will have materials and equipment necessary on site to create a space that facilitates an ease and comfort for these professionals to complete their projects efficiently.
The vision of this facility was born out of the harsh reality of where we sit as a society. Our youth are not finding their way to skilled labor work force. One of our theories is that as a society, we have knowingly and unknowingly created an atmosphere that doesn’t hold skilled labor in a high regard. It’s important that our youth are able to create with their hands — allowing them to step back and see what they’ve created. We have also lost touch with each other in a general way.
Families of all different races, economic backgrounds and religious views have the same end goal — we want to feel safe and fulfilled. We also want our kids to feel protected and lifted up by our community. Our wish is to utilize this facility to create a safe, fun and educational space to bring local families and businesses together. Crete small projects (diy style) is designed for individuals to be able to work together in the same space — sharing ideas, passions and interests. “You can’t be it if you don’t see it” is something that Crete-Doc truly believes. This mantra fits in the social aspects of life — if we don’t know each other, we seem to question those who are “different” than us.
We believe our local workshop is a good way to combat this fear in society, and become more trusting and open to one another. If you haven’t had the opportunity to create something with your hands, you will never know the satisfaction and fulfillment it can provide. We provide a safe haven with a constructive project to work along side other families who might not have been able to interact with each other until now. In this space, we provide tools, knowledge and resources that are constantly available for your use. We plan to set up these projects 2 – 3 times a year to start and eventually 2 times a month.
Our hope is that it brings individuals together, as well as opening up the eyes of youth that trades are a long-lasting opportunity for life. Learning a trade can ensure one is never without the option to work. We have also spoken with multiple local restauranteurs about providing lunches for our workshop days. In result, we want this to portray different types of foods, as well as show the diversity of our community in STL. This model communicates how diverse individuals can come together and portray to the youth that we collectively as a community, care about their present and their future. It’s not just the immediate family who wants the best for the youth, it’s our entire community who is consistently rooting for them.